
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This Little Liquid Diet Phemomenon

Hey there folks!
Interesting news in the nutrition world this week...

By clicking on the above link, you are now privy to some fabulous information about a little phenomenon called the K-E Diet. Incase you did not watch the video, this diet uses something called an NG, or nasogastric tube (a tube that goes through the nose and down the esophagus into the stomach) to provide all nourishment, with no carbohydrates, for 10 days. The amount of calories administered throughout one day? 800. For this diet to be effective, no other food or liquid is to be consumed during this 10-day period. 
Dr. Oliver Di Pietro, MD, the doctor in the above video, said body weight is lost quickly through ketosis, the state in which the body burns fat rather than sugar. Patients at his office are monitored during the 10-day period for things like constipation, bad breath and dizziness. Not to mention walking around for 10 days with a tube in your nose looking like a sick or dying hospital patient. Best of all, their is no follow-up program for when you are done with the tube feeding. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?
There are already a million blogs out there bashing this diet into pieces. Instead, what I wanted to do is remind those of you who follow my writings and nutritional teachings of a few key pieces of information...

1. Trying to have a "perfect" body is not realistic.
What is a perfect body anyways? In my opinion, a perfect body is a healthy body that is fed properly and moved around a bit from time to time. I also think if you are in pursuit of a so called "perfect" body, perhaps there are other issues in your life you need to fix surrounding this body. A healthy mind always helps.

2. Eat whole foods.
Liquids are great. Specifically water. If you want to make yourself a juice in your juicer that is fine too. But there is no substitution for eating whole real foods. They make you feel good. Shoving liquids up your nose for 10 days is not going to last for long, and if you have read any of the articles on this K-E diet, it doesn't exactly make your body feel great. 

3. Losing weight quickly slows your metabolism.
Chances are if you chose to go on this K-E diet, it is probably not your first go-round in the dieting world. You are probably a yo-yo dieter, and if you didn't know this already, your metabolism is not happy with this. "If you go on a very strict diet and gain the weight back quickly, you might lose a lot of muscle and regain a lot of fat," says Keith Ayoob, M.D., R.D., an associate professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "Then your metabolism operates on a slower idle, which means it's going to be harder to lose weight as time goes on." The theory is that the more times you yo-yo, the more fat your body gains in each rebound. Because muscle burns 10 times more calories than fat does, your metabolism eventually will slow to a crawl.

4. Depriving yourself of food can lead to many emotional issues.
Let's face it, your body is not happy when it is starving itself. Without carbohydrates, you are probably feeling tired and antisocial. You can probably forget about meeting your friends for lunches and dinners during this time period, unless you like being out in public with a tube in your nose.
Jessica Schnaider, the woman who was interviewed in the ABC news article about this diet, said "It was emotionally difficult, the 10 days of not eating and sometimes I had to give excuses to people who were asking are you sick? And I was like, 'No, I'm not sick, I'm not dying, I'm fine." Schnaider also said she was tired. "I didn't feel like exercising. The doctor told me that if you can compliment with walking for a half an hour on the beach, that would be great, but I didn't feel like doing that. I'm a very energetic person, but those days I was a little tired." I don't know about you, but I cannot imagine being that tired for 10 days. 

5. If you cannot maintain a "diet", you also will not maintain the results.
This is pretty much inevitable, seeing as you are not going to go around the rest of your days with a tube in your nose and a purse full of protein solution. This goes for any "diet". I cannot stress enough a DIET needs to be a way of life you can live with forever...and hopefully be happy with it too! 

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