
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Save A Little Moolah At The Grocery Store This Year!

So, it’s the start of a new year and we all have big goals. I have seen and heard many different lists, including everything from the ever-popular “losing weight” to “stop watching so much television” to “stop spending so much time on social media.” The resolution lists are endless. As I lay on my couch daydreaming about my goals for this year, how I want to start my career already and the ways in which I want to run my dream business, another goal I saw on many people’s lists crosses my mind…

Stop spending so much money.”

I think it’s a common goal for 2012 that people want to watch their wallets. I have often pondered ways to save a few dollars here and there when I go to the grocery store. Lucky for all of you, watching your wallet can also line up readily with that goal of “losing weight.” Here are a few ideas that might be helpful to some (or all) of you…


There is research that proves that making a grocery list and doing some meal planning are keys to preventing impulse buys that jack up your grocery bill. A good tip would be each week, determine how many meals you will be eating at home (or at least a ballpark). Chose a lean protein- like chicken or fish, a whole grain and a veggie side-like spinach and brown rice, or broccoli and sweet potato, and then add any ingredients for specific recipes, like teriyaki or soy sauce or bamboo shoots or fresh basil. It can actually be a lot of fun, and also shorten your time at the store if you know exactly what to look for.


There is no shame in looking at a store online or grabbing a copy of their circular to stride right past distracting temptations. Or, being a HUGE Trader Joe’s advocate, you could just do most of your shopping there. The reason Trader Joes can sell good-quality stuff so cheap is because they buy directly from small vendors instead of going through a corporate middle-man. This makes the products cheaper for them, which in turn makes them cheaper for us. What a concept! Trader Joes Bananas for 19 cents each, or average grocery store bananas for 69 cents each? You chose.


It’s never a bad idea to stock up on goods like pasta sauces and meats, especially when they are discounted. Both can easily be frozen. I am not a huge fan of canned goods, but I know people still eat them. These can also be stockpiled away and used quickly—like beans and soups. Also, frozen berries and other fruits can be used at any time in smoothies or thawed out for sauces or added to baked goods.


I know this seems like it might be tedious, but in Los Angeles, it seems like almost every neighborhood has more than one grocery shop. I know that by my house, it is a 1-minute drive between the nearest Trader Joes and Albertsons…and Ralphs is just a few more blocks down! If you are really trying to save but don’t want to scrimp too much, it is worth it to shop more than one grocery store. For example, blueberries might be 3.99 at Trader Joes, but Albertsons might be having a 2 for 4 dollar sale on them.


Now I don’t have any children, but I can only imagine if they are begging for Sugar-O’s or Choco-Chews or are just all over you to get out of the store, you might tend to make more impulse purchases just to appease them. So it is best to leave them at home. Ditto for the husband/wife or boyfriend/ girlfriend that needs cookies and ice cream after dinner each night or thinks frozen pizza is a nutritional necessity.

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